I recently upgraded to a much more portable stove system, and wanted to keep the cost down. I came down to two choices, the Pocket Rocket and the Bruton Talon. I found both at Academy Sports and was able to compare them side by side. With the Talon having almost the exact same design and features as the Pocket Rocket, I settled on it as it was only 29.95 (even cheaper online). It's an Isobutane stove system that weighs less than 4 ounces.
It packs up very nicely and is very simple to set up. I kept it in an MSR 1.1 liter stainless steel cooking pot. I was able to store a can of fuel, the burner, some silverware, a lighter, salt and pepper shakers and some condiments within this pot. I still had room for more.
I put it to the test, kept it lit at 3/4 power with the can of fuel included with the stove and it kept a flame for 82 minutes. Not bad! At full strength it took 4 minutes 20 seconds to bring 1 liter of water to a rolling boil using the MSR pot. The stove cooled down pretty fast as well.
After a weekend of use I can say I like the Talon. I used it mainly for boiling water for use in Backpacker Pantry instant meals and it performed exactly as it should. I'm hoping to get a lot of use out of this little gem. You can't beat it for under $30.
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