Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Mind Rebels at Stagnation

It's been a slow year for me so far. I haven't done much of anything exciting. No adventures. No diving. Only one camping trip. Haven't even been riding the bicycle.

A big letdown is getting out of shape and the monumental task ahead of me to get out the door is intimidating. It's not that I don't want to; it's that it hurts. For some strange reason my back spasms have hit me full force. For over a month now I have struggled just to do mundane tasks. I eat Bayer like candy to get through work. I finally broke down and scheduled an appointment with a chiropractor tomorrow. I'm hoping that with his help I can start strengthening my core muscles and start stretching out into new activities from there.

One nice thing I've been doing in my idle time is reading. I purchased an Amazon Kindle and absolutely love it. It's going to make an excellent companion on any future trips as it is light weight and stores so many books. It also runs for almost a week on one charge. I'll be touching on a couple of books that I've read in later posts.

At the end of the month I'll be starting Paramedic school at Wallace in Dothan. Fortunately I will be going on A shift, my normal work schedule. I won't miss any time on my off days and I'll be getting paid to go. I can't get a better deal. Studying will be consuming alot of my time so the next year will be a little slim on trips. Paramedic isn't something I intend to half ass like many others have done; lives are in your hands and it's irresponsible to not know your job inside and out.

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